6 Foods to Avoid if You Want to Lose Weight
1. Soads
Source: www.motherearthliving.com
Sodas are loaded with sugar and it's easy to consume an excess of calories in a short amount of time.
Staying hydrated with plain water will add no calories and helps keep you full in between meals.
2. Alcohol
Source: www.psychemedics.com
Alcohol has only empty calories and also slows your metabolism, keeping youfrom burning as many calories the next day.
3. Processed Foods
source: www.achooallergy.com
If you can't pronounce it without a collage degree, don't eat it!
4. Versions of Foods That Are Marketed "Low Fat" or "Fat Free"
source: www.hipmomsgogreen.com
"Low-fat" no doubt means "high sugar" and sugar is the number one culprit of keeping people from losing weight.
5. Anything With High Fructose Corn Syrup
source: www.hipmomsgogreen.com
Not only is HFCS highly processed, it's absorbed into the body even faster than regular sugar and prevents the body from triggering signs you are full-causing you to eat even more. source: drhyman.com
6. Refined Carbohydrates
source: www.newsnetwork.mayclinic.org
White bread and white pasta should be avoided if you are looking to lose a few inches.
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